How Cool Is This
I now have mad blogging skills!!! I and both of my followers owe a HUGE thank you to my biggest blog fan and now proud blogger of her own amazing blog ...I'm hoping that I have correctly used her first lesson in how to make a hyper link ...with any luck you can just go to her blog by clicking on that different colored line of words :). If not, I f'ed up and she should not be held responsible. I may still be a work in progress. I know this comes as huge shock and surprise to all who know me, but an evolved person owns her faults. Also, in case your are wondering I am using the large font key and the centering thingy today. Never knew they existed until my blog lesson yesterday. I'm sorry, I know I am just showing off, but I can't help myself.
Miss Hammertime also passed on her blogger bible - Blogging for Dummies - to me yesterday....this was beyond exciting for me cause I jokingly said I needed that and had no idea that one actually had already been written. Good to know I am not the only blogger that has been doing this for years with no idea what the hell I'm doing. That seems to happen to me a lot. Kinda like the amazing salmon dinner I tried to whip up last night. Some things really are just better when ordered in restaurants.
Back to my new bible....just wait til I actually read it. THEN you will truly be impressed with my new and improved mad blogging skills. I truthfully did not open it last night cause I was running late for happy hour with Wonderman. Which pushed my amazing Salmon dinner back and well, lets just say thank god I raised my boychild to be able to feed himself, while waiting for mommy's amazing dinners. No one went to bed hungry. Really glad I remembered to put the amazing amount of left over salmon in the disposal and not the trash can. Fish and trash cans are never a good idea. This I know.
For my finale today - I am running off to bookclub this morning...we read Bossypants and it is hilarious. Big fan. Just started reading Where We Belong by Emily Griffin. Can't wait to get back to that. Which leads to my finale....I am now going to add a picture to this blog post. I KNOW!! HOW COOL IS THIS???
The answer is that I am very thankful to Miss Hammertime!!! After viewing my preview of this post - that is where I remove all goofs and correct all misspelled words. Usually. - it looks like there is a pretty good chance I f'd up the hyper link thingy. If so, don't forget to check out her blog.
Whew! My hyper link did work it just didn't show up in different colors...guess that will happen after lesson in progress people :)))